Andrew, Charlie from Alaska and I went to Acapolco for a few days to stay at Andrew's girlfriend Tanya's family's condo. Early on we decided that while we were there we would pose as a lewd pop-punk band from Chula Vista called FATAL BONER. We even thought up song titles- "Wank on a Waverunner", "Handjob on a Hanglider", "Premature on a Parasail".
This was the view from our balcony:

We kept pretending it was Spring Break, but really our condo was filled with old Quebecois and Mafioso on vacation. We were the only young people around and we were sore thumbs. Here's us at the pool:

The busses in Acapolco are all swagged out, tryint to outdo each other with their sound systems, paint jobs and titles. We rode with Batman, who had a banging system and a Reggaeton-heavy music policy.

All the Hotels say "Reccomended by Fodors" or "Lonely Planet", whether it's true or not. These guys couldn't even crib off of their neighbors correctly.

All the Hotels say "Reccomended by Fodors" or "Lonely Planet", whether it's true or not. These guys couldn't even crib off of their neighbors correctly.