Conservative financier #1: This "Mister" Obama is going to be a one-term-President!
Conservative financier #2: Oh, absolutely.
Conservative financier #3: And God forbid something happen to him during that term!
(knowing chuckles all around)
This was real old money. One gentleman there, I was delighted to see, was wearing a pinstripe suit, spectacles, and a name tag identifying himself as "Lark". "Er, it's a faamily name. Laarrk was Mummy's uncle.", I imagined him to explicate through Patrician clenched jaw.
Oh, and question: How Mi Look?

... answer:
you look HOT in your suit! Love what you've done with the place...r u driving? I always knew you'd be sucessful. such a good boy you are. I'm up near po'keepsie, goin to skool...hit me up sometime!