I came back up on the bus from the Yucatan, which was a 24 hours I will never get back nor look back on fondly, but it was worth it to see my friends Polka Madre playing in the center of the city as a part of a festival that also included Balkan Beat Box and Asian Dub Foundation.

Polka Madre has their own draw of little Chilango punk kids and hipsters. And girls that swoon over Andrew and Eric.

Marina gets groupie love, too.

Raul and I snuck out at the end to a Spanish bar around the corner to watch Mexico beat Costa Rica to advance toward the Mundial (World cup). Ahuevos~!

At this Spanish place they had pitchers of Sangria and this unhappy fellow on the wall:
I like the Asian Dub Foundation song "Rebel Warrior." But not long bus rides.